
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

About a bad day

Ever had a bad day?

Ever had a really bad day?

... Of course you have, everyone has...

For me, a bad day used to look completely different from what it does now.

When I was working full time, a bad day included missing my train, being late to work, an irate customer, an unfinished proposal, a missed deadline, an argument with my husband about something stupid that was fused by the stress of both of our jobs.... I know some SAHMs might say they miss their days working out of the house, but I don't, not one bit. 

When I became a SAHM, the definition of a bad day included, just to name a few, being late to school (though we don't have to deal with that anymore), not having my husband's lunch ready on time (he comes home for lunch every day, expecting a warm, home cooked meal, which I gladly provide, most of the time), the kids making a mess after I cleaned up, smeared toothpaste all over the bathroom, an new bottle of dish soap dumped on the floor/sink, a couple of tired kids whining and fighting each other and sometimes all of the above combined...
I know, I know, these don't really seem like valid reasons to declare a "bad day" but any parent who has been home all day with little ones, whose life revolves around taking care of their family with minimal adult interaction and no possibility of a break (we don't even get to potty by ourselves) can tell you how easy it is to feel overwhelmed by a bunch of "little" things... add PMS into the mix and its a recipe for disaster. This is what a bad day looks like to a stay-at-home-parent.

Recently though, I decided to see these challenges (see, I now call them challenges) as opportunities to exercise patience and I am learning to deal with each incident and immediately (OK, maybe not immediately, but soon after) move on, and not let it ruin my day. I choose to sing and praise God and pray (a lot!), I try to choose joy.

But today, today I am officially declaring it a bad day.... Today I'm sick... again.... My head hurts, my stupid (my kids think this is "the S word" bless their heart) sinuses decided to act out, I can't breath well, I feel dizzy and nauseous and I'm almost positive I have an ear infection; I haven't slept through the night in 3 days, which is only making me feel worse and I can't take a day off to just veggie out on the couch until I feel better.... Today is not a very good day...

But God.... (I love these two words together)

But today, God, in his infinite mercy has chosen to give me a break from exercising patience with the kids. (As I type this, they are playing together, in their room, using their "indoor voice" and not running around our small apartment... this is a rare sighting.)

But today, God sent me an amazing devotional reminding me that He loves me! That He loved me even before I loved Him. That there is nothing I need to do to reach Him, that all I need to is rest.
"We never have to guess. We never have to question. He loves us. He’s together with us on this."     
And what does this have to do with my declaration of bad day? Well, nothing really... this just got me thinking: How can I declare this day, or any day for that matter, a bad day, when Jesus on the worst day of his life (not that is what a real bad day looks like) gave it all, so that I can experience love and freedom. His sacrifice on the cross automatically gives us the power to declare every day a good day because we are loved, saved, made new, free....

Am I feeling better physically?  Nope... my head feels like a balloon.

Will I have other situations in life where I am tempted to declare of bad day? Absolutely!
"....In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33 NIV)
But on these days, I can choose to remember that He has overcome the world, and I can focus on what is true, what is noble, what is right, what is pure... I can choose to focus on Jesus.

This is my sink after cleaning the dish soap dumped by my 3 year old. 

Have you ever chosen to declare a good day in spite of the circumstances?

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