
Saturday, May 28, 2016

About the good times

I've been feeling some conviction from the Holy Spirit lately... 

In a world with so much social media "filter", where we only see what others want us to see - usually only the good stuff, the "perfect" - I set out to talk about the raw, real life moments, yet in the process, I failed to talk about the good moments... and there are good moments, we do have good days and sometimes we have really good days. 

For instance, last week we went to the dentist. I know for some parents, taking their kids to the dentist is difficult and challenging, but my kids like going to the dentist and tend to cooperate (most of the time), so our usual problem is more due to over excitement. However, we had a great visit last time, it was more than great! The kids did as they were told, they made polite conversation with the doctors and staff, they WALKED the whole time (if your kids are anything like mine, then you know what a challenge it is to get them to go from point A to point B without running). I can actually say I enjoyed taking the kids to the dentist this time... go figure.
As a reward, that day they got to choose what they wanted for dinner, even if it was muffins from the grocery store bakery and smoothie... I gladly let them have it. It was a good day.

So for the rest of the week (this was a Monday), I held on to that great day, to the hope of another, because parenting is not easy! We will have lots of good days and lots of bad days, and if we hold on to the good ones and learn to quickly let go of the bad ones, move one (which I'm working on), we can enjoy life [parenting years] a lot more. And if we surround ourselves by a "tribe" of great parents who will encourage us on the bad days and remind us of the good days, life will be even better.

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